You Don't Have to Live with a Pain in the Derrière!
Hi There,
So you want to know the Best treatment for hemorrhoids to relieve your pain?
Okay, I will reveal 3 more secrets to curing hemorrhoids from pain.
Don't forget that you must still start from my first revelation, which I will repeat here for you.
For convenience, Bookmark this page to your computer so that you can come back to refer easily.
Here we go- Repeat of my first
"Best Treatment For Hemorrhoids"-revelation is:
Sitz Bath- done 3 times a day and after every stool evacuation. Preparation of the sitz bath is IMPORTANT and is as follows:
1) Water must be as warm as possible without burning you.
2) Add 3 Table spoons of salt and one tablespoon of bicarbonate of soda.
3) Stir well.
4) Time yourself, sit in the solution for at least 20 minutes.
N.B. You need a few sitz baths (depending from person to person and from the severity of the hemorrhoid) before you will feel any relief.
The first being:
Ice Packs
Ice packs must be used only if you are suffering with external hemorrhoids. The secret here is to alternate the ice packs with the sitz bath. 20 minute sessions minimum.
N.B. Put the ice in a clean thin kitchen towel, and make sure you put the ice up the rectum as far as you can, without hurting yourself.
The second being:
Follow up after the sitz bath and ice packs with a good cream. The cream/ointment that I suggest is either Preparation H Max or Tronolane.
The secret here is not to use a lot of cream, but rather to spread and rub it in well. Also with the tip of your finger go up in the anus, without causing yourself pain.
N.B. If your are suffering with internal hemorrhoids, then use the applicator supplied with the cream. Also make use of the suppository of the same name. One suppository morning and night, and after every stool.
The third one being:
A Good Pain Tablet/Capsule
Taking a good pain capsule is also very important. I would suggest Ibuprofen Gel here - as this not only will help with the pain, but it is an anti-inflammatory, and thus will help in taking away the inflammation.
N.B. Ibuprofen is known to be one of the anti-inflammatory agents that is gentle on the stomach.
Warning: Following the above mentioned procedures is the best treatment for hemorrhoids to relieve your pain, so do not ignore them! and you will be glad you did them.
Now let's take a look at what I am about to give you for FREE!
Yes you heard well, there is more and I did say it's FREE!
We can go on a journey together with this free offer, that will start putting us on the road to becoming completely hemorrhoids free.
DOWLOAD FREE this book and I will teach you little secrets to improve your eating habits. These revelations will put you in the starting block to becoming completely free of hemorrhoids.
So follow up after your pain has subsided with the above hemorrhoid treatments, and get your FREE book.
Food Constipation and Hemorrhoids
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