You Don't Have to Live with a Pain in the Derrière!
I have been dealing with hemorrhoid for over 20 years. But this last time they where bleeding more and I couldn't sit down so I went to see my doc who sent me right to see a surgeon. I had the surgery the very next day, so no time to clean my system out because of my history had a spinal tap after it was over my body wanted to use the bathroom but nothing would come until 48 hours later and did it come, first the room started to go round and round and the next thing I know I hit the floor that was so painful my best-friend was water and pain pills. Now I am on day 7 and I am still in pain my system tell me to push and I stay in water I can't sleep and I can't hold anything. Called my doctor on day 6 they gave me a strong pain meds and per them it should be better by day 8 I pray they are right. At the time I am write this I am on drugs and in pain.
Jun 05, 19 07:34 AM
Apr 26, 19 06:30 AM
May 27, 18 08:08 PM